Clock Peripheral in S32K1 Microcontrollers. How to configure Clock in S32K1 Microcontroller. Different Clocks in S32K1 MCU’s
How to build and debug a Project in S32 Design Studio IDE
S32 Design Studio Code Configurator Tool tutorial and understanding
SPI Peripheral in S32K1 Microcontrollers. How to use SPI peripheral of S32K1 MCU’s?SPI Master and Slave configuration and API’s
S32 Design Studio IDE Softwrae Installation and SDK installation for S32K144 MCU’s
I2C Peripheral in S32K1 Microcontroller. How to use I2C peripheral of S32K1 Microcontrollers
LPUART Peripheral in S32K144 MCU || Briefing about LPUART Peripheral in S32K1xx MCU’s
What is GPIO peripheral in NXP S32K1xx MCU || Briefing about how to use GPIO peripheral in NXP S32K1xx MCU’s