About ARM Processor’s
What is a Processor
Processor is programmable electronic circuitry that performs operations according to the instructions stored in memory. The processor as of itself does not have the memory and I/O devices. The processor reads the instructions stored in the memory, interprets it, and stores the output in memory or signals the I/Os. Processor Consists of the Processor core which contains circuitry for instruction fetching, decoding, and execution, register banks, and control units.
According to the architecture design of the processor, the different processors have different components. For example, ARM cortex-M4 processors have NVIC, MPU, Floating point units, optional debug subsystems.
Fig 1.1 – Block Diagram of the Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processor.
The processor is the part of the Microcontroller and not a microcontroller as a whole and it takes only a small part of the silicon area. Processor design companies design the processors and various components that silicon designers need and license these designs to various silicon design companies including microcontroller vendors. These designs are called Intellectual Property (IP) and the business model is called IP licensing. Although many microcontroller vendors use ARM processors as their choice of CPU, the memory system, memory map, memory size, and peripherals can be completely different from one product to another.
This allows the microcontroller vendors to design differently. A block diagram of the microcontroller.
Fig 1.2 – A microcontroller contains Many different blocks
How does Processor control the world?
Processors become an integral part of our life. We come across many devices which have processors embedded in them. For example:
- The smartphone on which I am writing this article has ARM cortex-A55 and cortex-A75 as processor,
- The Famous Tesla motors FSD Self-driving computer has many ARM processors.
To give the idea of how processors are running the world look at these two examples.
- Upto 2019, Arm partners have shipped more than 160 billion Arm-based chips.
- Due to the shortage of semiconductor chips(processors) many car manufacturing companies had to reduce the number of cars manufactured.
ARM Processor
ARM processors are designed by ARM Ltd., ARM does not manufacture processors or sell the chips directly. Instead ARM licenses these designs to other semiconductor companies so that they can make their processor, microcontroller, SOCs as ARM processors are configurable. In the Cortex processor range, the processors are divided into three profiles:
1) The A Profile is designed to handle complex applications such as high-end embedded OSs.
2) The R profile processors are targeted primarily at the high end of the real-time market. These are applications, such as hard drive controllers, automotive systems, etc.
3) The M profile processors target smaller-scale applications such as microcontrollers and mixed-signal design.
ARM develops new processors, new instructions, and architectural features are added from time to time, as a result, there are different versions of the architecture. For example:
- ARM7TDMI is based on the architecture version ARMv4T.
- ARMv5TE architecture was introduced with the ARM9E processor families.
- With the ARM11 Processor family, the architecture was extended to ARMv6 with memory system features and SIMD instructions included.
- Cortex family processors are based on ARMv7 and ARMv6.
The cortex-M3 and cortex-M4 processors are based on ARMv7-M architecture. The architecture evolution of the ARM can be seen in the following (Fig 1.4). All the cortex-M processors support Thumb-2 technology(16-bit and 32-bit instructions), with no need to switch the processor between Thumb state and ARM state.
Figure 1.4 : Evolution of ARM
Figure 1.5
STM32 series is shown
How to ARM Processor based MCU's ?
The language used to program MCU is C/C++, but mostly C is used. There are many development suites available from open-source free tools, to budget low-cost tools, to high-end commercial, to mcu vendors propiatery IDE’s. packages. Some development toolchains are:
For Programming and debugging ARM Processor based MCU’s, we will be using Microcontrollers of different vendors like: STMicroelectronics and NXP Semiconductors.
We will be using STM32 Family of STMicroelectronics and S32 Family of NXP Semiconductors. Both of these are based on ARM Processor and have rich set of features and specifications which are ideal for learning embedded systems.
Now both the companies provide their own IDE’s for : STM32CubeIDE and S32 Design IDE for respective family of MCU mentioned above.
Or we can also use the Above-mentioned IDE’s which are general IDE’s can be used to program any ARM processor based MCU. But recomended one is to use Vendor specific IDE as it has many extra featutes for programming.
The Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard(CMSIS) was developed by ARM to allow microcontroller and software vendors to use a consistent software infrastructure to develop software solutions for cortex microcontrollers.
- Software reusability: make it easier to reuse code with different Cortex-M processors, reducing time to market and verification efforts.
- Software compatibility: Due to consistent software infrastructure, software from various sources can work together, reducing the risk in integration.
- The CMSIS allows easy access to processor core features from the c language.
- CMSIS-compliant device drivers can be used with various compilation tools.
CMSIS started out as a way to establish consistency in device-driver for the Cortex-M microcontrollers, and this has become CMSIS-Core.
Since then, additional CMSIS projects have started:
A set of APIs for applications developers to access the features on the Cortex-M processor regardless of microcontroller devices and toolchain used.
This library is intended to allow software developers to create DSP applications on Cortex-M microcontrollers easily.
the System View Description in an XMl-based file format to describe peripheral set in microcontroller products.
the CMSIS-RTOS is an API specification for embedded OS running on Cortex-M Microcontrollers.
the CMSIS-DAP(Debug Access Port) is a reference design for a debug interface adaptor, which supports USB to JTAG/Serial protocol conversions.
The CMSIS files are integrated into device-driver library packages from the microcontroller vendor. So when you are using CMSIS-compliant device-driver libraries provided by the microcontroller vendors, you are already using CMSIS.
We can define the CMSIS into multiple layers:
Name definitions,address definitions, and helper functions to access core registers and core peripherals. This is processor specific and is provided by ARM.
Name definitions, address definitions of peripheral registers etc. This is device specific.
Access Functions For Peripherals
How do I use CMSIS-Core ?
Add Source files to the project. This includes:
- Device specific, toolchain-specific startup code, in the form of assembly or C.
- Device-specific device initialization code(e.g. System_c).
Add header files into the search path of the project:
- A device-specific header file for peripheral registers definitions and interrupt assignment definitions(e.g., .h)
- A device-specific header file for functions in device initialization code(e.g, system_.)
- A number of processor-specific header files(e.g, corre_cm3.h,core_cm4.h)
- Optionally additional vendor-specific header files for peripheral access functions.
The IDE automatically sets up the startup code for you when you create a new project. Otherwise, you just need to add the startup code from the device-driver library to the project manually. Startup code is required for the starting sequence of the processor, and it also includes the exception vector table definition that is required for interrupt handling.
STM32 HAL is an abstract lawyer ensuring minimized portability across the STM32 Portfolio. HAL APIs are available for all peripherals. These hide the MCU and peripheral complexity from the end-user.
Low-Layer APIs(LL) offer a fast lightweight layer that is closer to the hardware than the HAL. LL APIs are available only for a set of peripherals. These require deep knowledge of the MCU and peripheral specifications.
CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH: In this article, we just scratched the surface of the embedded world. In the upcoming articles, we will learn embedded development by doing projects.
Next Blog To Read for STM32
GPIO Peripheral in STM32F103 MCU
Table of Contents GPIO Theory So now we’ll talk about GPIO pins . GPIO stands for general purpose input output pins; they are the means for communication between the microcontroller and the external world (using sensors etc).It is signal that arrives on these pins or a signal that is sent or written on these pins that facilitates this communication. These pins can be configured to act as input or output via the application software(in our case stm32cube ide). The programmer can configure the pins as LOW or 0V or HIGH or 3.3V(or 5V ). These GPIO pins can also be configured to act as special purpose pins as well where their alternate functionality is exploited . These alternate functionality includes UART , ADC , SPI etc . In the case of UART communication, Transmitter(Tx) and Receiver(Rx) pins are required. GPIO pins can be configured to act as TX or RX pins . Even in ADC the pins are configured to act as Analog pins having 12 bits of resolution . The alternate functions of various pins are shown below: Input floating Input pull-up Input pull-down Analog Output open-drain Output push-pull Alternate function push-pull Alternate function open-drain GPIO Peripheral in STM32F103 All the pins of STM32F103 are grouped in multiple ports as PORT A, PORT B, PORT C As can be seen from Pin configuration chart in the PA1 stands for Port A Pin 1. There are 37 GPIO pins in stm32f103 which are divided as PORT A with 16 pins, PORT B with 16 pins, PORT C with 3 pins and PORT D with 2 pins. Each GPIO port has two 32-bit configuration registers (GPIOx_CRL, GPIOx_CRH), two 32-bit data registers (GPIOx_IDR, GPIOx_ODR), a 32-bit set/reset register (GPIOx_BSRR), a 16-bit reset register (GPIOx_BRR) and a 32-bit locking register (GPIOx_LCKR). In the register names, x stands for the port to which pin belongs. If we are configuring pin PA1, it has Port A then registers would be accessed by GPIOA_CRL and etc. Out of above-mentioned registers, GPIO peripheral has 2 most important registers: Direction Register(GPIOx_CRL, GPIOx_CRH)</h3 > Direction register: Set the corresponding pin as input/output pin. Data register(GPIOx_IDR, GPIOx_ODR)</h3 > Data register: where we set the Logic level (High (1)/Low (0)), for the corresponding pin if it is configured as output pin or we read the Logic level (High (1)/Low (0)), for the corresponding pin if it is configured as input pin. Pin Configuration Chart Pin Definitions GPIO Peripheral Block Diagram in STM32F103 First after selecting the pin the port is decided Then after following the arrow the busses are selected based on it: APB/APB1 or AHB After which the clock is enabled to the particular port using either __HAL_RCC_GPIOX_CLK_ENABLE() function or using the RCC AHB1 peripheral clock enable register and selecting the port to which clock has to be provided by enabling it. Methods to configure the GPIO Peripheral Configuring the busses i.e AHB1, AHB2, APB1, APB2 . The AHB bus is faster than APB bus and in case of certain modules they are connected to the same bus .Hence it depends upon the application which bus to use. As can be seen from the picture below the AHB1 takes clock to PORT A , PORT B , PORT C etc . Hence to initialize a pin to a particular port the in RCC AHB1 clock enable register GPIOEN is set to 1 (For Port A GPIOAEN , For Port B GPIOBEN etc) Enabling the clock to that port otherwise the particular pin will not be functional Creating an instance of the structure and then using the members of the structure set the following:- PIN – Takes the pin no as input GPIO_PIN_X {where X -0 to 15} MODE– Selects the mode the specified pin is supposed to work in . It takes in value Output Push Pull ,Output Open drain PULL- It selects the initial value of the pin and takes value no pull up no pull down, pull up or pull down SPEED- Selects the speed of the working of the specified pin i.e low, medium or high ALTERNATE- Specifies the alternate function performed by the pin UART TX OR RX , ADC etc, GPIO Peripheral SDK using STM32HAL We are going to use STM32 HAL SDK for using the GPIO peripheral of the STM32F103. STM32HAL is a very versatile and robust Software package for using Peripherals of the STM32 Microcontroller family. To know more about STM32HAL, refer to this link. Each STM32 HAL has drivers for all the peripherals of the STM32 Microcontroller(One can navigate to the Driver folder in the STM32F1 HAL local repo installed). These drivers can be configured and enabled to use in the project via the STM32 CubeMX configuration tool, which is also integrated into STM32CubeIDE( just like told in the above section for configuring GPIO peripherals). Will be digging into that part, in the next section. For now, let’s understand the STM32HAL GPIO SDK for STM32F103 MCU. stm32f1xx_hal_gpio.c: This file consists of various macros and is responsible for the intialization and configuration of the functions which in turn configures the peripheral. stm32f1xx_hal_gpio.h: consists of various structure definitions that help configure various parameters of the pin, enumeration, and various macros stm32f1xx_ll_gpio.c & stm32f1xx_ll_gpio.h: GPIO Low-level driver source/header file, contains functions that configure the GPIO Peripheral registers at the hardware level. These files are the ones that actually interact with the hardware and make it configurable to our needs.  STM32 HAL Functions for GPIO Peripheral Functions are set of instructions that required to perform certain tasks. In general, a function is first declared in header file(.h) and then it is definied in source file(.c) and then called in main.c or application code. It is of the form function return data type, function name and function arguments. In Embedded functions are required to initialize a peripheral or configure it on the basis of various parameters which are passed on using arguments. This information is then passed on to the registers. List of functions used
STM32F103 & ADC: Single Channel Conversion
In the last post, we have gotten to know about the features of ADC Peripheral that we have in STM32 MCU. Now in this blog with the series of bare Metal Programming for Blue Pill, we will understand different register bytes and bits of ADC Peripheral to be used for using it in different features, configurations, and modes as we get to know about in the Previous Post. In this blog, we will be going through how to use ADC Peripheral for converting a Single Channel of ADC (only one ADC pin) and see its bare metal code. Single Channel Conversion Mode: Only one ADC pin is used, this mode is like when we have say connected only one analog sensor to one of the ADC pins of MCU like the Potentiometer is connected at PA0 pin. ADC Registers In depth for: Let\’s get into an in-depth understanding of which registers and their bits are used for configuring the ADC peripheral of Blue Pill in Single Channel Configuration. We will focus on bits and will give an explanation of why those bits are used for the 1. ADC_SR(ADC status Register) –>This register tells the status of ADC channel Conversion, as it name says. STM32F103 ADC Status Register: 11.12.1 Bit 1[EOC ]: This bit is set by hardware when a single channel of any group (Regular or Injected) is converted successfully. So this bit is used for monitoring when the ADC conversion is completed by using it inside the while loop if interrupts are disabled. 0: ADC Channel Conversion is not completed 1: ADC Channel Conversion is completed When hardware set this bit, we can clear this bit from the firmware end by setting the bit to 0 or by reading ADC_DR(ADC Data Register) Bit 4[STRT]: This bit is set by hardware when regular channel conversion has begun. So when we start the Regular Channel Conversion, we will use this bit inside the while loop to check that whether Regular Channel conversion has started or not. 0: No regular Channel Conversion has started 1: Regular Channel Conversion has started When hardware sets this bit, we can clear this bit from the firmware end by setting the bit to 0. Even if we don\’t clear this bit it will cause no effect during ADC Conversion. But its good practise to clear all bits of Status Register before starting the new conversion 2. ADC_DR(ADC Data Register) –> This register stores the converted digital data at a 12-bit resolution of the converted ADC channel. STM32F103 ADC Data Register 11.12.14 Bit 15:0 [DATA 15:0]: The ADC_DR is divided into two 16 bits groups. The first 16 bits from 0-15 contain the Converted value of the configured ADC Regular Channel. As our ADC is of 12-bit resolution, so this is left aligned or right aligned to 4 bits so as to get the 12 ADC converted data . Left Aligned or Right alignment of ADC Data Depends on ALIGN bit of ADC_CR2 So we will have following code and algorithm for ADC_SR & ADC_DR register:while(!(ADC1->SR & ADC_SR_STRT)) while(!(ADC1->SR & ADC_SR_EOC)); // wait till a group channel converstion has completed adc_data = ADC1->DR; //clear the EOC bit by reading DR register ADC1->SR &= ~ADC_SR_STRT; 3. ADC_CR1(ADC Configuration register 1) –> This register is used for the Configuration of ADC peripheral for Analog Watchdog Discontinuous Mode Interrupt Enable/disable Dual Mode configuration Scan Mode As we are not using any of these features, so all the bits for these registers will be set to zero, and to know about these features and their bit functions, u can navigate to corresponding blogs for those. STM32F103 ADC Configuration Register 1. 11.12.2 Bits 19:16 [DUALMODE 3:0]: These bits are used to configure the type of operating mode. In the blue pill, we have two ADC peripherals: ADC1 & ADC2. We can use these 2 ADC peripherals simultaneously by configuring the respective ADC in different modes or in independent modes. We are going to use these ADC in independent mode as will be using only ADC1 peripheral, so DUALMODE[3:0] will be set to 0. Bit 8[SCAN]: This bit is used to enable/disable the SCAN Mode feature in the ADC peripheral of BLUEPILL. Scan Mode is used when we convert more than 1 channel to scan all the configured channels in a Regular Group. As we are using only a single channel, means only one ADC pin is used so SCAN mode is not used and this bit will be set to 0. 0: Scan Mode disabled. 1:Scan Mode Enabled. So we will have following code and algorith for ADC_CR1 register:ADC1->CR1 &= ~(ADC_CR1_SCAN); // SCAN DISABLED, if using scan mode then dma must be enabled ADC1->CR1 &= ~(ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN); // Discontinous mode disabled for both injected and regular groups ADC1->CR1 &= ~(ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_2 | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_1 | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM_2 ); // no channels are configured in discontinous way. // if discontinous mode is enabled then number of //conversions to be done by discontinous mode has to be configured // DISNUM bits ADC1->CR1 &= ~(ADC_CR1_DUALMOD_0 | ADC_CR1_DUALMOD_1 | ADC_CR1_DUALMOD_2); // INDEPENDENT MODE SELECTED ADC1->CR1 &= ~(ADC_CR1_AWDEN | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN); // Analog watchdog disabled for both groups: regular and ibnjected 4. ADC_CR2(ADC Configuration Register 2) –> This register is used for the configuration of ADC Peripheral for: ADC Conversion enables/disabled for regular and injected groups and ADC peripheral enable/disable. Trigger source configuration for regular and injected groups. ADC Data Alignment, DMA, Continous, temperature sensor setting. STM32F103 ADC Configuration Register 2 11.12.3 Bit 0 [ADON]: ADC Peripheral On/OFF. This bit will be set to 1 to enable the ADC peripheral. All channel configurations and ADC Peripheral configurations have to be made before setting this bit to 1. 0: Disable ADC Peripheral 1: Enable ADC Peripheral Bit 1 [CONT]: This bit configures between Single Conversion mode and Continous Conversion mode. Continuous Conversion mode is selected when we have more than 1 ADC channel to be converted. As in this blog, we have
PWM on STM32F103
What is PWM? PWM or Pulse Width Modulation, is a type of digital electrical signal which is periodic in nature, with a rectangular waveform. There are certain terms associated with PWM which we need to understand before we move ahead. Here’s a graphical representation of a PWM signal- · ‘Period’ = Tp , is the time it takes to repeat the same waveform · ‘Duty cycle’ is the time for which the signal is a logic 1 by the total time period. Ton is the time for which the pulse is high Hence, Duty cycle % = (Ton/ Tp) X 100 · ‘Frequency’ = F is the number of times the waveform repeats in a second. So, F = 1/Tp. Applications of PWM signals PWM signals have an extremely wide range of applications, here are a few of them- · Variable voltage generator– if you vary the duty cycle of a PWM signal and apply it to certain electrical components, the components act as if they are receiving analog signals. This is because the response time of the components is finite. So, components like LEDs, buzzers, brushed DC motors etc. can be controlled by PWM signals. Meaning, you could control speed of a motor, brightness of an LED or amplitude of a buzzer and so on. The voltage that they receive has a linear relationship with the duty cycle. So, if logic 1 is 5 Volts 0% duty cycle – 0V 25% duty cycle – 1.25 V 50% duty cycle – 2.5 V 75% duty cycle – 3.75V 100% duty cycle – 5V · As a control signal – Some electrical devices/components analyze PWM signals that they are receiving to give a corresponding output. So, changes in the duty cycle are reflected in the output. These include Servo motors, electronic speed controllers (ESCs) and many more. Here, the devices respond only to specific PWM duty cycles and frequencies If you take the example of servo motors, they can only be operated at 50Hz signal with a duty cycle of 2.5 % to 12% . Anything beyond that doesn’t result in the movement of the servo. (The frequency and duty cycles vary from among different servos, this is a very common value which most 180-degree servos respond to) Similarly, ESCs respond to a PWM signal with ON time of 1ms for minimum throttle and 2ms for maximum throttle with PWM frequency of 50 Hz. Some devices such as HCSR04 ultrasonic sensors give an output as a PWM signal in which the pulse width corresponds to the time it took for the ultrasonic wave to be received. How is PWM signal Generated on STM32?? Timer peripheral STM32 blue pill has 15 pins which can generate a PWM signal, with other models having even more pins for PWM generation. In this section, we will try to understand how PWM signals are generated by STM32 Every microcontroller has a built-in circuit which can measure the passing of time. These are called Timers. What timers essentially do is count up to a certain number and upon reaching that number, they change the value of a certain register to indicate that the timer has counted up to that number. Now, the time it takes to increment this count by 1 is determined by the timer’s clock frequency. So, if the frequency of a timer is 1KHz, its time period will be 1 Millisecond. Hence, if we count up to 10, we have measured the passing of 10 Milliseconds. This is how, by simply incrementing a number, timers can measure the time that has passed since the timer began counting. (This is how the HAL_Delay() function generates delays) The maximum count a timer can make is determined by its register size. So, an 8 bit timer can count up to 28 = 256, 10-bit timer –210 = 1024 16-bit timer –216 = 65536 32-bit timer –232 = 4294967296 So, a 1 bit increase in timer size equals to double the count Timers are extremely necessary for the functioning of a microcontroller as a lot of events in programs are time based, which you may not even realize. Timer Peripheral modes and features Coming to STM32 Blue pill, it has 4 timers of 16-bit size. To perform these functions, they need to be in specific modes. Here are all the modes in which timers can operate in STM32- 1. Input capture mode– In this mode, a pin on the board is set as input on which a PWM signal is sent by some device and we measure the frequency and duty cycle of that signal. This can be used to interface with devices such as HCSR04 ultrasonic sensors, which send a PWM signal as input to the microcontroller, where different parameters of PWM signals can be used to determine the distance which the sensor is trying to measure. 2. Output compare mode– In this mode, the timer is used as a counter and the count is compared to a register which contains a pre-programmed value, when they are equal, a software interrupt is generated and using this, a given pin is switched high or low. This mode comes in very handy when you are making a project which requires you to use multiple peripherals and at the same time generate a rectangular waveform of a given frequency and duty cycle, as it is interrupt based. 3. One pulse mode– In this mode, a pulse can be generated based upon a trigger from an input pin on the board , the pulse generation takes place after a certain delay from when the input trigger pulse was detected. This can be considered as a combination of mode 1&2 (IC &OC) 4. PWM generation mode– In this mode, we can generate a PWM signal on a given pin by fixing a frequency and a duty cycle. This is the mode we will be using to generate PWM signals through the main loop. The difference of this mode to mode 2 (Output compare
Blogs to read for ARM Processor
What is Microcontroller Technology?
Brief history of Microcontroller Microcontroller is an innovative technology that has revolutionize the world and made the electronic items so much feasible for us. Though microcontrollers have been in world since 1960’s. Its been around 60 years since the invention of Microcontroller technology and their are more then x amount of microcontroller being deployed right now in world. Lets explore and go back to history of microcontroller’s: What are Microcontrollers is an electronic chip which is designed in a way to do general tasks till eternity The life cycle of Microcontroller’s Microcontroller is designed from transistors, millions and millions and even billions of transistors are minitirised into small size, to form building blocks of MCU, and these building blocks give them ability to control anything. The building blocks of MCU are: CPU, Memory and Peripherals. We will dive into these blocks after couple of minutes. The designing of these transistors is an art and science behind the chip designing. This art of technology is called as VLSI( Very Large Scale Integration). And Once the designing is done then these Chips are fabricated/manufactured to give us a final by product that is physical MCU chip. And This part is done by fabrication companies like TSMC. And after that fabrication, the packaging/assemble of integrated chip happens so that these millions and millions of transistors which are minitiasuered are enabled for practical usage in electronic devices. And after that programming on these MCU and extra circuietry around these MCU’s is developed to make the MCU do any specific task till eternity. These part are referred as Embedded Systems, in which software and hardware arounf the microcontroller is developed to make it use in final end product. Part of Software development for Microcontrolleris called Embedded Software Development and part of Hardware development for MCU is called Embedded Hardware Development. In this video and cahpter we will just get ourselves stick to microcontroller technology, and focus on what things are involved for learning and using microcontroller. Though their are many topics and technologies which can be deep dive, which we will do in separate videos. Building blocks of Microcontroller chip are Microcontroller chips have 3 building block, first is CPU, second is Memory and third is peripherals. For better understanding take the analogy of microcontroller with human body. Just like their is human body, same way their is microcontroller. In human body we have brain which does all the processing, calculations and thinking. In the case of microcontroller, CPU does all that. Then in human body we have body parts to interact with outside world, same way microcontroller have different peripherals to interact with outside world. We humans have memory/yadash based on which we do the work and do the tasks. How to sit, how to walk, how to use legs, how to use different body parents, and all these things are feed in our memory, same way microcontrollers have memory, into which instructions are written on how to use its different peripherals and how to control those peripherals and what to do when some data comes from those peripherals. Now lets just deep dive into these functional blocks in more technical understadning and learning. CPU CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, it is an integral part of microcontroller which does all the hardcore computing work. computing work in terms of electronic chip means: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of electronic data. How fast this can be done and level of complex calculations it can do. CPU does the computing work, by a set of basic rules on how a CPU should work. These set of rules are called as Instruction Set Architecture(ISA). Their are 2 most popular types of ISA: RISC( Reduced Instruction Set Computer) CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer) In Current modern world, RISC architecture based CPUs and microcontroller are what is widely used and adaptoped. Examples of RISC is ARM CPU that we see in Apple MAC book the M1 chip. another example is RISC-5 CPU, that we can see in Vega processor, which is Indias first indegenoious CPU designed by xyz organization Examples of CISC is Intel 4004, which is world’s first commercially avialable CPU launched in 1971. Another is x86 CPU, most desktops and laptops sold are based on x86 CPU. Ther terminology which we hear intel I5 processor and all they all are part os these CPU’s. Often CPU word/terminology is used interchanagible with processor or core. So whereever we mention, processor/core or CPU words they mean same thing. Another important factor on which CPU computing work matters is bit size of CPU. Meaning how much size of data CPU can execute at a time. We measure this thing in bits unit. So their are 8 bits, 16 bits and 32 bits CPU’s. In Which 8 bit CPU means it can at a time can execute data of 8 bit length. 16 and 32 bit CPU means they can execute data of 16 bit and 32 bit length. Now as the bit size of CPU increases, it means more pwoerfull and fast tehy are. For now we are not going too much in detail about CPU types, history and its world as that will deviate us from current topic of microcontroller. We will explore in detail about these terminologies in what is microprocessor technology. Peripherals: Peripherals are body parts of Microcontroller, it is peripherals through which micrcontroller interacts with outside world. Their can be more then 20 peripherals in some MCU’s and in some MCU’s their can be just 5 peripherals. Their are some general purpose peripheral which are their in all or most of the MCU’s: which are GPIO, ADC, TIMERS, I2C, SPI, UART. Using these peripherals one can process and control any sensor/module connected to MCU. I2C, SPI and UART are communication protocol via which we can connect almost any sensor/module to MCU. Be it LCD screen, ethernet module, audio devices, wifi modules or any other sensor. And via GPIO, TIMER and ADC peripherals we can sample and
FlexTimer peripheral of NXP S32K1xx MCU( S32K144 MCU and ElecronicsV3 Board)
About FlexTimer Peripheral of S32K144 MCU: What is FlexTIMER Peripheral? FlexTimer is a peripheral present in NXP S32K1xx MCU’s, which is used for input capture, output capture, generation of PWM signals and time delays. We are going to focus on PWM signals part and usecase of FTM Peripheral for generating PWM signals. As FTM is a peripheral of MCU, so it has intances and with each instance certain number of MCU pins which are referred as channels. In S32K144 their are 4 instances of FTM and each instance has 8 channels. Instances are abrievted as FTM0, FTM1, FTM2 and FTM3. Each Instance has its own Peripheral registers where the configuration of those instances is done. Their are number of registers, in FTM peripheral through which its configuration for different features is done and we also get status. We are not going to dive into every register, will mention important registers, as in industry register level coding is not implemented but understanding of registers is what is important. Each Instance has 8 channels, which are reffered as CH0-CH7. So naming convection goes like this: Table showing FTM Instance and Then FTM Channels of that sinstance and all MCU pins which can be used for that channel. For PWM, FTM Peripheral has following functnalities and features PWM Signal Type: Center Aligned and Edge Aligned PWM Signals: Combine Mode PWM signals in inverted/duplicate PWM Interrupts: Every channel has interrupt source. Interrupt can be generated on counter match or counter overflow. Detection of rising and failing edges of PWM signals: We can configure interrupt generation when counter matches or overflows based on the polaruty of PWM signal. Hardware-Software Trigger: Generation of PWM signals and variation of PWM parameters at the detection of some hardware specific events. Lets say we want to generate PWM pulse only when some ADC readings are taken. So we can configure PWM signal to generate when ADC hardware conversion si done. Fault control and synchronization points. How FTM peripheral works is, For understanding the ftm peripheral features and functionalities we will understand them via storytelling!!! Story telling in terms of what steps have to be followed to use ftm peripheral and correspondingly covering its different features. We configure the clock values for ftm peripheral, that is whether the ftm peripheral is going to get clock from system clock, fixed clock or external clock and also configures the prescaler values, to divide the ftm clock if needed. FTM CLOCK CONFIGURATION IS IMPORTANT step as based on this only, parameters of pwm signals are calculated. Their are 3 inputs of clocks for FTM peripheral: either system clock, or crystal oscillator clock( that is fixed clock) or some external clock ( connected to some pin of MCU). After that we configure in which mode FTM peripheral has to be used, whether input capture mode, output capture mode. Output capture mode is what we are going to use. Output capture mode means outputings some digital signals. And Input capture mode means inputting some digital signals. After output capture mode, which type of pwm signal. These settings are done by setting the values of highlighted bits according to following table. These bits are part of these registers. Based on the mode of ftm peripheral, ftm peripheral will work. As in this module we are learning and focusing on pwm signals, so we highlighted sections of table is what is going to be of our concern. Edge Aligned Mode Center Aligned Mode Combine Mode(Complementary) Each Instance has 8 channels, so every channel has its own peripheral registers by the name of CnSC. In CnSC register this pwm mode of configuration is done. After that, we configure the values into counters of FTM. As stated Timer peripheral has 3 counters in it. MAX counter, Variable counter and Threshold counter. In FTM peripheral MAX counter is MOD peripheral register. Value put on this register determines the frequency /period of pwm signal. Variable register is COUNT peripheral register. This counter starts incrementing from 0 once ftm peripheral is enabled or triggered. Threshol Counter we will touch in couple of mins after. For each channel their is register CnV. This register act as Threshold counter for pwm signal coming from corresponding channel or we can say pin of mcu. Value put on this register will determine the duty cycle of the signal as when COUNT counter matches the value of this register, pwm signal state changes according to configured polarity. Now polarity of pwm channel will determine, whether pwm signal would have high to low transition or low to high transition on counter match. The polarity configuration is important as this will determine the duty cycle parameter. So there are 2 things in polarity, state of pwm signal before counter match and state of pwm signal after counter match. Based on polarity configuration, rising or failing edges would be generated on counter match and counter overflows. 6) Another important thing is updates of counter registers and pwm polarity. You see, counter registers like MOD, CnV and COUNT very much control the PWM signal parameters and PWM polarity register bits control the logic levels of pwm signal. Ftm peripheral has feature to configure when these register values should be updated, that is either on software trigger means software will write the Data on the registers and it would be loaded into them. Or hardware trigger that on detection of sone external signal, the values of these registers would be changed. This updation of register is also called as Reload point of counter registers and values in FTM peripheral. If we are using interrupts then interrupt configuration is also done for each indiviual channel for different events. By events we mean counter match or counter overfflow. For every channels of FTM Instance their are bits in x register, If we set these bits then interrupt functionaly would be on for those Channels. When Counter match happens then channel interrupt handlers are fired and when counter oveflow happens then overflow interrupt handler is fired. Overflow interrupt handler is comman
PWM Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer
What is PWM Driver? PWM Driver is the library for generating PWM signals via Automotive MCU’s. This Driver is part of Autosar MCAL layer and it is global level RTD standard that is followed by all semiconductor companies to generate the PWM signals using their microcontrollers for automotive applications. This specification describes the API for generating and handling different PWM signals via automotive MCU’s. This software module includes GUI interface for initialization, configuration of PWM channels and peripheral instances. It supports the framework for using advance to basic features which are their with PWM peripherals of different MCU’s through which PWM signals are generated.. Also PWM Driver handles the variation of PWM parameters like Frequency, Duty Cycle, Timer Period and etc. PWM Driver can handles all the advance features like fault control, synchronization points, hardware trigger, softare control values, complementary PWM signals, DMA/Interrupts for PWM signals. . PWM Driver is built over the peripheral IP layer of the Microcontroller and driving functionalities. Main objectives of this monolithic SPI Handler/Driver are to take the best of each microcontroller features and to allow implementation optimization depending on static configuration to fit as much as possible to ECU needs. Hence, this specification defines selectable levels of functionalities and configurable features to allow the design of a high scalable module that exploits the peculiarities of the microcontroller. What are PWM Signals and how are they generated? Types of PWM Signals: Parameters of PWM Signals: To generate the PWM signals via Automotive MCU’s using Autosar MCAL Layer API’s: At first to configure the MCU pins in PWM peripheral mode via PORT Driver: We can generate the PWM Signals from Microcontroller through different peripherals like Timer Peripheral of the MCU or FlexIO peripheral. So at first selection of MCU pin has to be done from which PWM signal has to be genarted and then configuring that MCU pin in corresponding peripheral mode. After that comes the clock selection and configuration via MCU Driver: MCU Driver is responsible for clock configurations and clock settings of Microcontroller. Setting of systems clock, peripehral clocks all these settings are done by MCU Driver. And for generating the PWM Signals, what clock frequency has been input to it is very crucuial so as to calculate its parameters. After this MCL Driver selection is also important: We can generate PWM signals from Microcontroller via different peripherals. Either Timer based peripheral or FlexIO peripheral. By tradation Timer peripheral is recommended and widely used. But as PWM Driver has been designed with global level coverage, it is also dependent on FlexIO peripheral, so FlexIO peripheral concentric files are generated via MCL Driver. So we will just select the MCL Driver, so that dependent files are included in project. In this course, we will focus on PWM signal generation via Timer peripheral. In our case we will be using NXP S32K144 MCU which has FlexTIMER Peripheral. After all above three will be coming our PWM Driver configuration and selection. That is what is the main moto of the course module. We will understand what all configurations are their in PWM Driver. How PWM Driver works and important API;s of it for generating the PWM Signals. Their would also be use of Platform Module, that is responsible for interrupt settings and configuration. We are going to use Interrupts with PWM Signals to detect the rising and failing edges of PWM signals and do some application specific tasks on those edges. Functional concepts of PWM Driver: Now PWM Driver has general/global functional concepts which are applicable to all automotive MCU’s, which are important to understand and know so as to configure the PWM Driver. Selection of PWM hardware channel: Selection of PWM Channel polarity Selection of PWM IDLE Mode Selection of PWM feature enablement: PWM Signal modes: Apart from the above general functional concepts, the PWM peripheral level concepts of the corresponding Micrcocontroller is also important to understand. These peripheral level functional concepts are different from one MCU to another. As their are different peripherals for generating PWM signals in different MCU’s. But the usage of these concepts is used only at the time of PWM GUI configuration. At the time of writing the embedded application, same set of API’s, chronology and parameters is used. In our case we have ElecronicsV3 Board, which has S32K144 MCU and we are using FlexTIMER peripheral of this MCU. Concepts description with respect to Author: Kunal Gupta
FTM PWM Driver API’s of NXP S32K144 MCU
API Name: Ftm_Pwm_Ip_Init() void Ftm_Pwm_Ip_Init(uint8 Instance,const Ftm_Pwm_Ip_UserCfgType * UserCfg) Role: This API initializes the FTM peripheral according to PWM feature. Author: Kunal Gupta
SAR ADC Explained!
Why to learn about SAR ADC? SAR ADC is a standard AUTOSAR opts for. That’s why you see most of the automotive microcontrollers can be observed having SAR ADC and SAR stands for Successive Approximation Register. You can see the below picture which I extracted for verification of this fact. Microcontrollers which are verified: NXP S32K1xx Series NXP MPC5xxx Series STMicroelectronics SPC5 Series Renesas RH850 Series Infineon AURIX TC3xx Series Microchip PIC32 Series Why AUTOSAR likes SAR ADC over others? SAR ADC working is most suitable due to three major factors mentioned below: High Conversion Speed with Accuracy: SAR ADCs are fast to handle conversion like real-time sensor data conversion while holding its precision as it is. This conversion can be like throttle control, battery management, and other critical functions. Power Efficiency: Power consumption is one of the most important factors in any automotive application especially electric vehicles. SAR ADC consumes comparatively less power rather than ADC like FLASH ADC. Scalability: SAR ADCs offer a trade-off between speed, resolution, and area, which is crucial in automotive designs where space and performance both matter. Comparing SAR ADC with Flash and Sigma-Delta ADC Flash ADC: The fastest type of ADC, converting signals in just one clock cycle. This speed comes at the cost of power consumption and size, as it requires one comparator per bit of resolution. Given the complex needs of automotive systems, this increased power draw and large footprint make Flash ADCs impractical for most real-time automotive control systems. Sigma-Delta ADC: Offers exceptional accuracy by oversampling the input signal and using noise-shaping techniques. However, its conversion speed is much slower compared to SAR ADCs. This makes it unsuitable for fast, real-time sensor data processing, though it shines in applications where high precision is needed, such as audio or pressure measurement. SAR ADC stands between these two, offering sufficient speed, accuracy, and power efficiency. This balance makes it the top choice for most automotive microcontroller designs, especially in safety-critical applications like engine control, where both speed and accuracy matter. How SAR ADC Works Sample & Hold (S/H) Block: This block holds the analog input signal steady while the ADC performs the conversion. The process begins by capturing the input voltage and freezing it momentarily to allow precise comparisons during the conversion. Comparator: The comparator checks the DAC’s output against the input signal at every stage of the conversion. It decides whether the next bit in the SAR register should be a ‘1’ or a ‘0’ based on whether the input signal is greater or lesser than the DAC output. SAR Register: This is a shift register that stores the output bit by bit as the conversion proceeds. The SAR register’s value evolves with each step of the approximation process, eventually containing the final digital equivalent of the input analog signal. DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter): The DAC generates a voltage based on the digital bits already stored in the SAR register. The comparator then compares this DAC output with the input signal. The DAC’s resolution is crucial since it must match the resolution of the SAR ADC. Step-by-Step Example: How SAR ADC Calculates an Input Signal Example Setup: Reference Voltage (Vref): 5V Resolution: 4 bits (for simplicity) Input Voltage (Vin): 2.6V Author: Rohan Singhal
Reading ADC Values via ADC Driver of Autosar MCAL layer using ElecronicsV3 Board( NXP S32K144 MCU)
Author: Kunal Gupta
Author: Kunal Gupta