Embedded MCU's Getting Started and Peripheral Coding STM32 MCU's

Table of Contents


Okay so hello guys and hope u are doing great; in the last 2 Blogs we get to know about Debug Trace Features in Embedded Systems and about ARM CoreSight Architecture for Debug and Trace in ARM based SoC/MCU.

Now, in this Blog we will implement the theoretical knowledge of previous blogs to action and do them practically! We will do so by exploring the Trace Features in STM32MCU practically (STM32F103 Blue pill) using STLINKv2-B ( Official one white one) in STM32CubeIDE. 

This Topic has been divided into 2 Blogs.

In this Blog Hardware connections between STLINKv2-STM32MCU  and Code Generation is explained. The Video For that is also Uploaded on Gettobyte YouTube channel here.

In next Blog How to use Trace Features using SWV is explained. The Video for that too is Uploaded on Gettobyte YouTube Channel here.

Intro on STLINKv2 Programmers and Debuggers

Now STLINKv2 which you can see in the above image is different from USB based STLINKv2 Programmer and debugger( Chinese clone one). It is different in terms of more features and JTAG support for Debugging the Firmware’s. 

Original STLINKv2 can be used for Programming and Debugging Both STM8 and STM32 MCU. For STM8 it uses SWIM Protocol and for STM32 it has SWD, JTAG Communication Protocol and SWO pin for trace features.

In USB based STLINKv2 Programmer Chinese cloned one also both STM8 and STM32 MCU can be programmed and debugged. For STM8 it also uses SWI Protocol but for STM32 MCU it has only SWD Protocol and pins available.

For using the trace features, In USB based Chinese cloned one STLINKv2 (which is relatively cheaper than above STLINKv2) we must solder the 5V pin of Programmer by one of the pins of the onboard pin of the MCU used in Programmer. And it is a kind of long and Cumbersome Process. 

But in Official STLINKv2 which is shown in above pic, we do not have to solder any of the pins for using Trace Features, The Programmer has Pinout and dedicated pins for using Trace feature using (SWD + SWO pins) and it has JTAG Dedicated pins too for Doing Debugging .

Now as given u some comparisons between Official and Unofficial STLINKv2 Programmer and Debugger let us dive into some Practical Part. In the rest of the doc,  STLINKv2 programmer and Debugger will signify the Official white in one derivative which is shown in above pic.

Hardware Connections for STLINKv2 and MCU

The STLINKv2 Programmer comes in with following things as u open its Box.

  • Main STLINKv2 Programmer and Debugger
  • 20 Pin JTAG connector
  • USB 2.0 A to USB 2.0 Mini B
  • 2 x Connecting Cable for STM8 SWIM

Now coming to the pain Connections for connecting STM32 MCU with STLINKv2.
Programmer has the following pins for connecting it to STM32 MCU(Blue Circle).

These Pins have Pinout like these:


Right side from the Embarked Area (Orange Color), is pin 1 of the Programmer and then the pinout goes as shown in above pic.

Now the Essential Pins out of these 20 pins of the STLINKv2 programmer to Program and Debug STM32 MCU using ARM Proprietary SWD Protocol are only 5 pins.

  • SWIO/TMS(Pin 7) à SWD PIN
  • SWCLK/TCK(Pin 9) à SWD PIN
  • TDO/SWO(Pin 13) à SWO PIN
  • STM32 RESET(Pin 15) à RESET PIN
  • VCC(Pin1&2) à POWER PIN
  • GND(Below Horizontal line’s any pin can be used as GND except 2) à POWER PIN
STLINKV2 Connection for STM32

SWD Pins of STM32 MCU will be connected to SWD PIN if we want to only use Debugging features alongside Programming the Microcontroller. Like as shown in PIC. 

Now for Using the Trace Features we must connect one additional Pin from the Programmer to OUR Microcontroller and that is SWO Pin (13th pin) of Programmer to the Respective Trace SWO Pin Of our STM32 Microcontroller.

In STM32F103 SWO PIN is PB3 as shown in this schematic.

So, for Using Trace Features Connections will be like this.

SWO Connection for STM32

To be noted down:

  • Any pin from the below horizontal line except the VCC pin of that line can be taken as GND pin when using SWD/SWD+SWO pins and can be connected to GND pin of our STM32 MCU.
  •  Sometimes or in some Programmers we have to short all the VCC pins by Jumper wire for Proper connections or encase device isn’t able to power up MCU or Program it.
  •  In some cases, VCC pins 1&2 can be wrongly mapped in Some Programmer, and they can be at left hand side of the programmer that is at pins 19 and 20. So in case MCU does not Power up by above connections, then do not panic just change the VCC Pins and it might work out. ( This is in my case, so below pitcher is according to that)

Now so after successful Connections between STLINKv2 and STM32 MCU, Connect the USB cable between STLINKv2 and Laptop and LED light on the programmer will lighten up in RED color.

         Figure 5 (These are the Final Connections For SWD+SWO)

Software Part used

Now I will be Showing STM32CubeProgrammer and STM32Cube IDE In this blog in software part.

First with STM32CubeProgarmmer:

As u connect your STLINKv2 Programmer to your computer, IN STM32CubeProgrammer u will see the Serial Number of Programmer if all goes well. As shown in Pic.

Figure 6

Now as u click on Connect Button by selecting STLINK, u will see all the details of Your respective MCU details and showing its memory Content. (In doing so Your programmer will start blinking in red, green color and Screen of STM32CubeProgrammer might take 1-2 secs of time for showing Memory contents and MCU details.)

Figure 7

This is just Demonstration of Successful connections of STLINKv2 and MCU for SWO+SWO pins and established Communication between Programmer and Laptop via STM32Cube Programmer.

As if now, we have not used the trace features, for using that we must create a project and Upload in MCU by things mentioned in below section.

For STM32CubeIDE also follow the below section

If any Error comes in while connecting the STLINKV2 , FOLLOW  this video for solving all kinds of Errors and to get Solutions for them.

Code for using Trace Features in STM32 MCU

Create a New Project in STM32CubeIDE by choosing your corresponding Workspace (Figure 1), select Your MCU in Board Configuration Window (Figure2) by selecting the MCU you are using.

Figure 8


Figure 9

Now name Your Project in next window and choose the targeted language according to your choice and Select Executable in Targeted Binary Type.

In Target Project type their will be 2 Options,

STM32Cube and Empty.

(In this Blog I will be telling things according to STM32cube project type. By selecting STM32Cube, Auto generated code STM 32 HAL initializes all the Processor registers for using Debug and Trace features according to the configurations made in STM32CubeMX window.)

Now in Cube MX configuration window we must Select RCC Mode for HSE as Crystal/Ceramic Resonator and Debug Mode as Serial Wire,

Under Pinout and Configuration window select the System Core and in it Select the RCC and SYS. Select the corresponding Options as shown in pics below.

Figure 10

And then in the clock Configuration window Select the Clock Frequency according to your choice. I am selecting 32Mhz in my case for STM32F103 using HSE (which has input frequency of 8 MHz and selecting PLL as clock Source for System clock).

I am configuring the Onboard LED on STM32F103 Blue Pill as GPIO OUTPUT just for demonstration purpose. That is pin PC13.

Figure 11

And then save the file and Autogenerated code Process using STM32HAL will be started.

Figure 12

Now open the main.c file of Your project from the Project explorer window.

Figure 13

That is all for this Blog, second part of the Topic is in next Blog.

Follow the next Part for NEXT Part of the blog.

Playlist for Debugging techniques in Firmware development: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb_Q-Ps0nJou2Ped93q02JRfiMCJorLYX

Previous and Next Blog

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SPI Peripheral In STM32F103

Overview So, in this blog we will be covering another alternate functionality of GPIO pins i.e SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). Previously we hve covered following peripherals implementation in STM32F103 MCU’s. ADC(Analog To Digital Converter) in STM32F103 UART Peripheral in STM32F103 GPIO Peripheral in S32K144 MCU Clock Peripheral in STM32F103 PWM on STM32F103 SPI is a synchronous and full duplex communication between a master and several slave devices. It is used in devices or sensors in which speed is a priority . It operates at data transmission rate 8 Mbits or more. The protocol uses 3 or usually 4 wires for data transmission and receiver .It is used by various sensors and modules such as OLED Display, BMP280 , RC522 , DAC , Shift Registers etc. SPI Theory The SPI uses 2 pins for data transfer SDIN and SDO , SCLK clock for synchronization of data transfer between 2 chips, CE chip select that is used to initiate and terminate the data transfer. SDI  =  MOSI SDO  =  MISO SCLK  =  SCK CE  =  SS MOSI: MASTER OUT SLAVE IN This pin is used to send data from master to slave MISO: MASTER IN SLAVE OUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna SCK: SERIAL CLOCK This is used to generate clock to synchronize data transfer between the master and slave device . This is generated by master SS:SLAVE SELECT Used to select the particular slave to send data . Besides SPI communication the SPI interface can switch between I2S communication protocol that is a synchronous serial communication interface. It supports 4 audio standards including the I2S Philips standard, the MSB- and LSB-justified standards, and the PCM standard. The operating modes can be full duplex(4 wires) and half duplex (6 wires) Multi Mode Configuration Multiple subnodes can be used with a single SPI main. The subnodes can be connected in regular mode or daisy-chain mode.   How Data is Transmitted in SPI Initially SCK is enabled that starts the transmission The master sets the SS line low of the slave Data is usually shifted out with most significant bit  first , shifting a new least significant bit into the same register Data in slave side is shifted into least significant bit of the register Hence after all the shifting is done the master and slave has transferred the data If more data is to be exchanged the registers are reloaded and the process is repeated When no more data transmission is there the master stops toggling the SCK and deselects the slave using SS   SPI Peripheral Bus Modes Before discussing about the various bus modes we will be discussing the clock phase and polarity i.e CPOL:Clock Polarity and CPHA:Clock Phase and it is the combination of CPOL and CPHA that is referred to as Bus Modes. CPOL = 0  Active state of clock = 1 Idle state of clock= 0 Means the sampling on the first edge      CPHA = 0 – Data is captured on the rising edge and output on falling edge      CPHA = 1 – Data is captured on the falling edge and output on the rising edge        CPOL = 1 Active state of clock = 0 Idle state of clock = 1 Means sampling is on the second edge          CPHA = 0 – Data is captured on the falling edge and output on rising edge        CPHA = 1 – Data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge SPI Features in STM32F103 Full-duplex synchronous transfers on three lines   Simplex synchronous transfers on two lines with or without a bidirectional data line 8- or 16-bit transfer frame format selection  Multimaster mode capability   8 master mode baud rate prescalers (fPCLK/2 max.)  Slave mode frequency (fPCLK/2 max)   Faster communication for both master and slave   NSS management by hardware or software for both master and slave: dynamic change of master/slave operations   Programmable clock polarity and phase Programmable data order with MSB-first or LSB-first shifting  Dedicated transmission and reception flags with interrupt capability   SPI bus busy status flag   Hardware CRC feature for reliable communication:   – CRC value can be transmitted as last byte in Tx mode  – Automatic CRC error checking for last received byte  Master mode fault, overrun and CRC error flags with interrupt capability   1-byte transmission and reception buffer with DMA capability: Tx and Rx requests SPI Instances in STM32F103 SPI instances vary from microcontroller to microcontroller from 1 in stmf103c6t6a to 6 in stm32f7 each having different pins NSS pulse mode , TI mode and hardware crc calculations SPI1 features PA5 as SCK , PA6 as MOSI  and PA7 as MISO SPI2 features PB3 as SCK, PB4 as MISO and PB5 as MOSI.  NSS Management in SPI protocol for STM32F103 NSS line can to be driven via 2 modes Software Mode- SS is driven internally by firmware Hardware Mode – A dedicated GPIO pin is used to drive the SS line Also NSS features NSS output and output disabled mode. Output mode is used only when device operates in master mode and it is disabled allowing mutli master capability NSS hardware mode must be used in TI mode . CPHA and CPOL are forced to conform to Texas Instrument (TI) protocol requirements. In this NSS signal pulses at the end of every transmitted byte APPLICATIONS OF SPI PROTOCOL Application 1 Memory Devices- SD-Card, MMC, EEPROM and FLASH Application 2 Sensors- Temperature and pressure (BMP280) Application 3 Control Devices -ADC, DAC, Audio Codec Application 4 Others- Camera Lens , RTC, LCD , Touch Screen RFID Module interfacing with STM32F103 W25Q SPI Flash Memory ST77389 LCD Display with STM32F103 NRF24L01 RF Module with STM32F103 How to Configure SPI Peripheral for STM32F103 We would be using STM32 HAL and STM32CubeIDE for using the SPI peripheral in STM32F103 in this blog tutorial series. SPI BLOCK DIAGRAM SPI CONFIGURATION ALERNATE FUNCTION MAPPING CONFIGURATION IN STM32CUBEIDE FIG 1- Selecting MOSI, MISO , SS and SCK pins

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Motivation is necessary to reach to our goals but discipline is needed to make them achievable. What is Bluetooth Low Energy? This series of blogs on BLE, is for anyone who is going to start with Bluetooth Low Energy. Bluetooth energy comes under the short range wireless communication protocols of IoT. So lets start by understanding what is BLE. Bluetooth is a wireless communication protocol that is started as a cable replacement technology to replace wires in devices like mouse, keyboards and etc. It operates at 2.4Ghz in unlicensed ISM frequency brand. Their are two types of Bluetooth devices: one is Bluetooth Classic(BR/EDR) and Bluetooth Low Energy. Bluetooth versions from Version 1.0 to 3.0 are referred as Bluetooth Classic and from 4.0 to latest version 5.2 are referred as Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE). Bluetooth protocol is backwards compatible. Bluetooth Classic technology is developed as a wireless standard allowing cables to be replaced connecting portable and fixed electronic devices, but it cannot achieve extreme level of battery life because of its fast hopping, connection oriented behaviours and relatively complex connection. Bluetooth Classic further has Basic Rate mode(V1), Enhanced Data Rate mode(V2) and High Speed mode(v3). In this article we will not dwell much into the Bluetooth Classic, our discussion area will be confined to Bluetooth low Energy. BLE stands for Bluetooth Low Energy, which has been created for the purpose of transmitting very small packets of data at a time, while consuming significantly less power then Bluetooth Classic. Now for working with any wireless communication protocol, their are 2 important concepts that have to be understood for it. Its Communication Protocol Architecture and Communication protocol Stack( it is the firmware implementation of the Architecture). So for proceeding with BLE, we will first understand Its architecture, about the terms like GATT,GAP, HCI and how does Bluetooth low energy works and then further will understand its stack on Nordiac devices. Click here Read more such articles: Author: Kunal Gupta

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Overview of Programming languages

Compiled language: are translated to the target machine\’s native language by a program called a compiler. This can result in very fast code, especially if the compiler is effective at optimizing however the resulting code may not port well across the operating system & the compilation process may take a while e.g C or CPP. Interpreted Language: is read by a program called an interpreter & is executed by that program called an interpreter and is executed by that program. While they are portable as their interpreter & have no long compile times. e.g Python & Java. High-Level Programming: Refers to how much the nature of language reflects the understanding system. In other words, a programming language level refers to how similar the language is to a computer\’s native language. Low-Level language is generally quite similar to machine code & thus is more suitable for programs like device drivers or very high-performance programs that really need access to hardware. Since a low-level language is subject to all the nuances of the hardware it\’s accessing. Supported Paradigm:       Author: Kunal Gupta

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Kunal Gupta
Author: Kunal Gupta


Kunal Gupta

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