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Why does the adc count not give full scale readings when vref is set to 5V?

Hello Kishan
When the VREF is set to 5V, the potentiometer is still operating at 3.3V. Therefore, when using onboard potentiometer on Elecronics V3 board, setting the ADC reference voltage to 5V won't give full scale readings from onboard potentiometer.

Thank you for your reply.

But if an external sensor like a hall sensor-based throttle whose output voltage is in the range of 0.8-4.2. At that time I would need a Vref of 5V. So it will support it?

The VRef of 5V can be achieved on the Elecronics V3 board. You just need to place the "Vref Select" header to VMCU and set the "VMCU Select" header to 5V in order to make the reference voltage of the Elecronics V3 as 5V.

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