
Automotive Software Solutions Automotive Secure Communication Over CAN -FD using Cryptography(SHE Peripheral) Description: Demonstration of Standard CAN Communication between couple of Gettobyte Technologies Pvt. Ltd. automotive boards : ELECRONICSV3 or automotive ecu : VEHRONICSV1 using our automotive software drivers and nxp stacks! Though there is one flaw in current demonstration (which i have briefed in video too). It would be good to see, if anybody can guess it. In next demonstration update, we will explain how we rectify that flaw. Checkout CAN Protocol DiY hands-on course, to learn and build such project: Features/Specs of Demonstration: 1) Standard CAN communication at 500kpbs using on chip flexcan CAN Controller2) Use of Rx-Tx mailboxes to store CAN data in flexcan can Controller of s32k144 mcu3) Off-loading CPU on receiving Node, with use of Interrupts to continously receive CAN data efficiently.4) Zero Code in main while () of receiving end with the use of CAN Rx mailboxes interrupts5) Use of SPI Protocol for driver creation of color lcd screen.6) SPI Peripheral with DMA to offload CPU for printing data on color lcd screen7) Number system conversion from hex to string for displaying data on screen in human readable format( In this demonstration their is one flaw on this)

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