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Comment (1)

  1. FreeMaster with S32 Design Studio(NXP Semiconductor) - Get To Byte
    June 2, 2024

    […] The objective of this blog series is to teach people on how to use FreeMaster Desktop application: which is a great tool for run time debugging, as it provides run time debug monitor(Oscilloscope, Watch Grid, sending 2-way commands) and data visualization (Creating animated GUI pages). The best part about this is that real time debugging and tracing can be done without any expensive or heavy debuggers (SWO/Jlink/JTAG/Lauterbach/PEMicro or etc). One can Interface FreeMaster with our Target Development Board (ElecronicsV2/AutoboardV1), via UART, CAN, ProBug Jlink Debugger or even over TCP/IP network. To know more about FreeMaster: what is it, why it should be used and its features. Checkout This Blog: FreeMaster Debugging Tool – Get To Byte […]

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