Reading Analog signals/reading using ADC driver of Autosar MCAL layer using ElecronicsV3 Board(S32K144 MCU)
Generating PWM signals of varying Frequency and Duty Cycle via PWM Driver of Autosar MCAL using ElecronicsV3 Board ( S32K144 MCU)
Interfacing LEDS and Switches via Port Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer using ElecronicsV3 Board(S32K144 MCU)
Interfacing of ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module as Web Client using UART Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer via ElecronicsV3 Board (S32K144 MCU)
Interfacing MG90 Servo Motor using PWM Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer via ElecronicsV3 Board (S32K144 MCU)
Integration of FreeMaster Software with ElecronicsV3 Board (S32K144 MCU) via UART Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer
Interfacing10KOhm Potentiometer using ADC Driver of Autosar MCAL Layer via ElecronicsV3 Board (S32K144 MCU)
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Learn Cryptography technology in embedded through DIY projects using ElecronicsV3 Development Board